Filled with laugh-out-loud hilarious text and cartoons, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series follows Greg Heffley as he records the daily trials and triumphs of friendship, family life and middle school where undersized weaklings have to share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner and already shaving! On top of all that, Greg must be careful to avoid the dreaded CHEESE TOUCH!
The first book in the series was published in 2007 and became instantly popular for its relatable humor. Today, more than 290 million copies have been sold around the world!
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Are you looking to add to your Wimpy Kid collection or find the ultimate gift for those who can’t get enough of Greg and Rowley? Check out these special editions, boxed sets and one-of-a-kind titles that are perfect for fans new and old. And don’t miss your chance to write your own bestselling journal (not diary!) with the Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book.
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